Book update:

So, things have been a little quiet on the blogging front as I haven’t posted for a month or so, but for good reasons.  We are doing renovations at home so I didn’t have access to my study (and the computer) for several weeks, and there has been plenty of work to do here.  I am about half-way through a lengthy blog piece on Paul, Marcion and Simon Megas, though due to the nature of the topic I am going to take my time before publishing it.  In the process of writing this piece I have realised that my previous approach to arguing my case wasn’t quite up to scratch, and whilst I still support the same conclusion on the topic that I have for a while, I needed to do a better job of arguing my case.  I will be approaching a number of well known scholars for commentary on this article, so I need to get it right; hence I will possibly take another month before publishing.  I do have several smaller articles in the works, so perhaps I’ll post one of them shortly to keep things moving.

I have been doing significant work towards publishing my first book, and the big news is that I have decided to split it in half (though not quite in the middle).  The book was approx. 500,000 words which translated to around about 1,000 pages, so it was very difficult to digest.  Plus, at that length editing takes a very long time, and the printing costs alone would be significant, meaning that print copies would have had to have sold for well over $50; probably not ideal for a first book.  So, I have decided to remove the material on Jewish and Christian origins and the nature and origins of the Old and New Testaments, and make a separate book out of that.  This leaves the first part of the book solely on comparative religion and spirituality.  Whilst I always hoped to cover all of the material in one book, I have been seriously leaning towards splitting it for some time, and I’m now convinced that its the right thing to do.

This should make each book easier to read and understand, as well as quicker, easier and cheaper to publish.  I know that some of my readers are more interested in the Christian origins material that I write on, but rest assured, that part of the book will indeed see the light of day, and I will be publishing a (relatively) condensed version of my origins theory on here in the very near future.  I am probably going to self-publish through Amazons “CreateSpace”.  Many readers will just buy an Ebook, and the print on demand option is very appealing.

So, much more coming your way from this department.

