The significance of the UFO phenomena:


Human folklore is filled with remarkable tales of gods who wield supernatural powers and pass on higher learning to mankind. For those who are inclined to see the world in a purely materialist manner these tales are generally considered mere myth, or one of a variety of natural explanations are given. Certainly there are valid reasons for taking this view, as it is the easiest (and thus most likely) explanation (see Ockham’s Razor1).

One plausible explanation for these tales is that human history hasn’t been a simple straight line or exponential curve always moving in the one direction, but rather that great civilisations have come and gone. Under such a view, survivors of past advanced civilisations could easily have been considered gods to people who either had no past experience with civilisation and culture, or who had been cut off from it.

The UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) phenomena or UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena – as many are now terming it) is in many ways a (more) modern equivalent of the ancient tales of gods from other lands wielding supernatural powers and either seeking to educate or enslave humanity. It is hard to trace the precise origin of this phenomena, as relevant accounts can be found back into all regions of history. However, when we talk of UFO phenomena we generally tend to think of modern accounts from the past 100 years or so.

Certainly from the the 20th century and onwards we have an abundance of personal accounts of encounters with strange lights and/or flying craft (not always disk shaped) in the sky appearing to be intelligently guided, and often accompanied by other strange features (missing time and/or various supernatural elements). In some accounts we also hear about encounters with beings that are thought to be not of this planet (and/or dimension). Some of these encounters are inspiring and uplifting, whilst others are highly disturbing in their nature and implications.

When writing on highly contentious subjects it can be really important to show your sources and discuss the raw evidence. However, I’m not going to really do that here today for a couple of reasons. Firstly, whilst I have been interested in the UFO phenomena for a long time, I have not been collecting sources on it as I go. Secondly, the nature of the source material is that a large percentage of it is highly contentious. That is, whilst I am of the opinion that the subject as a whole is legitimate, individual case files on their own are all potentially suspect, and if there was ever a subject where not everyone can be telling the truth, this is it. Thirdly, it would be a huge work to do so.

I will discuss some phenomena in a general sense and give a few examples, but I’m not going to be able to provide links to all my sources today, along with a discussions of the ins and outs of them. This would require a very lengthy and detailed article (or book), which isn’t what I’m setting out to do today.

So, for the benefit of trying to offer something of value that can be (relatively) easily digested on this topic in a blog format, I will not be diving deeply into individual cases today. Rather, I want to give my own opinions about what all this means, and what its implications are.

Some key points:

Unquestionably, everything about the UFO phenomena is a challenge to common assumptions about what is real. Firstly, we have the simple challenges of having to travel incomprehensibly vast distances across space, and the time required to do so. If we think of interstellar travel simply in terms of having to travel very, very fast for a significant period of time, the challenges are immense (I would therefore suggest that if interstellar and/or intergalactic travel is possible, it would involve the bending of space and/or travel through higher dimension of reality). To be able to accelerate to close to the speed of light would involve significant sustained acceleration (which is problematic on multiple levels) and huge risks of damage, and would still take decades to travel to the nearest star (when considering acceleration and deceleration). Not to mention the problems presented by special relativity.

Secondly, if you read some accounts of UFO encounters you will quickly see they almost always contain supernatural features. That is, they don’t simply seem to be encounters with physical craft and beings who have travelled across vast distances to visit us. Rather, there is almost always strange features present such as disturbances of perception of time, loss of memory, the bending or breaking of the laws of physics (as they are currently understood2), or the presence of something explicitly spiritual or supernatural (such as telepathic communication).

As such, UFO encounters have legitimately been categorised by some as a supernatural or occult phenomenon. If we use the term occult here it is not so much to explicitly define these experiences as being dark in nature (although some definitely appear that way, and in some cases may indeed be so3). Rather, the term occult can simply and literarily mean hidden, so the UFO phenomenon involves many things that are hidden to common human understanding.

Perhaps this is a big part of why there has been such intense skepticism and dismissiveness of the phenomena. That is, if we are to accept that these encounters are indeed with an intelligence that is not of this planet and/or dimension, then this naturally has huge implications for religion, science, politics and essentially everything. If this phenomenon is indeed real, and if humans beings at large accept it as such, then this is huge.

Current Government disclosure and a quick summary of military encounters with UFO’s over the past century:

Up until very recently there seems to have been some sort of informal consensus in the general public that only crazy people believe in UFO’s, due to too many hours reading dubious conspiracy theories and/or taking mind-altering substances. Of course this is an over-generalisation, but certainly this is largely true. Government, media, scientific authorities and society as a whole have largely scoffed at belief in UFO’s. In particular, the belief that the UFO’s originate beyond our planet and/or dimension has been (and is still) largely treated with public disdain.

In the last 12 months there has been a lot of conversation about the US Government looking at recent UFO encounters by its military (who have renamed them UAP’s – perhaps seeking to distance themselves from assumptions of an extra-terrestrial/extra-dimensional nature), and it has seemed that perhaps maybe things might change. Certainly I have heard (and seen) a number of sources say that now we actually have real evidence that something is happening that needs to be explained. As someone who has had at least a casual interest in these matters for some time I have to express that recent revelations are nothing new. Rather, military staff – pilots in particular – have been encountering UFO’s since WW2 (and probably before).

It is well attested that back in WW2, Allied, German and Japanese pilots reported seeing strange craft observing them from a distance and at times flying close by, without ever actually directly interfering with them. The Allied pilots at the time assumed that these craft were some secret German technology, though it was later discovered that the Allied pilots weren’t the only ones experiencing the phenomenon4.

From the Cold War there are countless testimonies from pilots and other military staff regarding extremely strange encounters with UFO’s. Of particular note is the intriguing case that a significant amount of UFO encounters have taken place near or at nuclear facilities (testing grounds, weapons storage facilities etc.). There are even credible and well-documented claims that on multiple occasions UFO’s appeared at facilities holding nuclear-armed ballistic missiles, and somehow enabled or disabled the weapons, and even shut down all power to the site. Whilst all manner of stories can be found in the dark corners of the Internet, many of these stories in question have been recorded publicly as told by military staff, interviewed by real journalists. It appears that whatever or whoever is responsible for these craft, they appear to be very interested (or perhaps concerned) in human development of nuclear weapons.

Over the past 12 months the US Government has publicly admitted to incidents where jet pilots have had daily encounters with unidentified craft flying at great speed and displaying extraordinary manoeuvrability (that appears to defy current understandings of physics), as well as radar staff recording these craft doing the seemingly impossible. Likewise they have released footage taken aboard military jets that show them tracking these craft, along with the audio commentary of the astonished pilots. As far as I am aware this footage has been public for some time (it was previously leaked online); it is only that now the Government has openly admitted it is real.

This is not a new phenomena:

If one looks back in history, we find many sources telling of mysterious lights in the sky, often with similar sounding supernatural features. Regarding more ancient sources for UFO encounters, it is very easy to join in the mockery of those who take these things seriously. We have all seen the endless memes at the expense of George Tsoukalos:

In all seriousness though, once we acknowledge that something is happening now, it is only natural that we consider ancient sources as relevant to the subject. Of course, we must exercise some caution about forcing the UFO and alien encounter narrative onto ancient mythology. It is obviously possible to become obsessed with this conclusion and project it into places where it doesn’t belong. Having noted that however, there are certainly cases whereby the “ancient aliens” theory is a nice fit. One obvious example is the Vimana (flying chariot, vehicle or palace of the gods) in ancient Indian religious literature. These accounts most certainly are relevant if we recognise that something real is happening now. When there is strong, credible evidence of something of a controversial nature, there is then valid reasons to consider weaker, less well- attested or less well-defined evidence as well.

Accounts of civilian Alien encounters:

I am personally of the opinion that the evidence for UFO encounters being real is strong and worthy of serious consideration. A significant part of this stems from the fact that much of the data (or evidence) comes from trained professionals, and the various accounts appear to have an overall consistency to them.

We must recognise there that UFO encounters and claimed Alien encounters (and/or abductions) are not necessarily always the same thing. That is, they are two closely related and often overlapping subjects, but either can exist independent of the other.

One notable case is claimed to have occurred in 1994, when school kids in Zimbabwe saw Aliens get out of a flying saucer and telepathically warned them of the dangers of human technological advances5. This case appears to be both a UFO and Alien encounter. Another example was in 1954 at a Soccer match in Tuscany when players and 10,000 spectators were all awestruck at mysterious lights in the sky (and play apparently stopped)6. In this case it may have been a UFO incident witnessed simultaneously by a large number of civilians.

Aside from a number of notable incidents which involve a large number of civilian witnesses, there are many cases where individuals report personal encounters with beings from other planets and/ or dimensions. Whilst military encounters with UFO’s are often quite strange, these individual encounters are probably far more bizarre.

We could perhaps oversimplify these encounters by separating them into two categories; encounters with benevolent and malevolent beings. In some of these encounters the beings are described as coming across with great warmth, expressing deep concern for the direction of human progress. The message is usually some variation of the following:

Human beings are very rapidly developing in a purely materialist way without the necessary corresponding spiritual development. As such, technological advances are putting our future at great risk, as we have the potential to destroy ourselves and the environment we live in.

Obviously, this appears to correspond very closely with the prevalence of UFO encounters at nuclear sites, and the frequent and repeated UFO encounters amongst military staff. Sometimes

the message also appears to correspond with warnings of climate change and other geological disasters (as claimed by Michel Desmarquet7).

In other examples we hear highly disturbing tales of people being abducted against their will, paralysed, induced into a semi-drugged state (by some unknown means) and violated in a variety of ways (probed, forcibly impregnated, implanted with technological devices etc.). The beings encountered in these tales are described as either cold and indifferent to human emotions, or outright malevolent, treating human beings as merely a lower life form (like humans may treat an insect).

It is hard to know what to make of these reports. It is obviously very easy to simply dismiss them all as being fictitious, and viewed individually in isolation I can certainly understand the logic to such a dismissal. However, viewed collectively as a whole, and particularly in light of the reality that a large body of evidence exists for UFO phenomenon from the hands of trained military professionals (amongst others), I think we need to consider that at least some of these tales have some truth to them.

Possible explanations:

There are obviously many different explanations that can be given for the range of phenomenon being covered here. Science as it is currently defined only considers natural (material) explanations. The method of science (methodological naturalism) presupposes only natural explanations. This has been quite fine for dealing with material phenomenon, but it naturally precludes science from being able to investigate subjects that if taken literally would imply something of a spiritual and/or supernatural nature. There is no questioning the fact that modern science has indeed been incredibly successful at achieving rapid development of human understanding and the subsequence technology that has emerged from it. However, if we have defined science not merely as a process of coming up with a hypothesis and then putting it to the test and holding it up to scrutiny, but also as bringing in metaphysical naturalism (materialism/ atheism8) through the back door, then we preclude science from being able to study subjects like UFO and claims of Alien encounters, and also NDE’s (Near Death Experiences) and ESP (Extra- Sensory Perception) etc.

If science as it is currently defined precludes the possibility that UFO/Alien phenomenon are literarily real, then science is unfit for the study of them. I would think it is obvious that to study UFO and/or Alien phenomenon properly, you must go into the study with an open mind and balanced scales, equally open to multiple possibilities and willing to let the evidence lead you towards likely conclusions.

With this established, we should note that obviously there are many organisations and people that are highly resistant to acceptance of any part of UFO/Alien phenomenon as real. Certainly we must consider all possibilities, and indeed natural possibilities are likely in at least some cases. There is no question that there are many ways that even trained professionals can be fooled by some unknown or misunderstood natural phenomena, let alone civilians. There is likewise no doubt that human beings have a virtually endless capacity for fraud and/or madness. There are countless examples for all of these explanations.

Having recognised this however, I would state that some of the natural explanations that are presented for well known UFO encounters are nothing less than ridiculous. That is, it is quite clear that in many cases the natural explanations that are given are presented not because they are the most likely, but rather because the person (or people) presenting them cannot allow for the possibility that there is an extraterrestrial and/or supernatural phenomenon at work.

I have read many accounts from trained professionals of their chaise (in a plane or car) of a UFO in which the report is dismissed as caused by a weather balloon, or a fixed object in the sky (a planet or star) etc. For example the “Gorman dogfight”9, in which USAF pilot George Gorman pursued a UFO for close to an hour. The official USAF dismissed the UFO as a weather balloon. Are we seriously to believe that a USAF pilot wouldn’t know the difference between a weather balloon (which could only be blown about at relatively slow speeds by the wind), and an intelligently guided craft travelling at great speed (far beyond his own capacity), and able to repeatedly out-manoeuvre him?

I must say that in this case the official explanation of the USAF is absurd, and almost assumes that we are simply stupid. This is not a serious explanation, but rather a mere public dismissal of a serious incident without consideration. Of course the USAF might have thought that the public couldn’t handle the truth, or they could have thought it wasn’t in their interests to disclose the nature of the incident to the public. Or the people involved may have blinded by their own personal biases, and thus precluded a serious consideration of the incident.

This is no isolated case (read some other cases10). Rather, this is common when examining matters of a spiritual/supernatural manner. Often it is argued that the possibility of the phenomenon being real is too absurd to actually take seriously. Of course natural explanations must be considered first, as “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”. But, as above we find in some cases that naturalistic explanations cannot be taken seriously, because they weren’t the result of serious consideration but rather personal bias (or a deliberate cover-up).

A very legitimate point can be made that advanced technology far beyond the general understanding can be mistaken for magic. Certainly it is fair to assume that some claims of people witnessing a UFO are actually cases of people observing military craft (including top- secret “black projects”, such as the B2 stealth Bomber). It is certainly conceivable that all UFO’s could have a terrestrial origin. In many ways this should be the default conclusion, unless strong evidence otherwise is presented (which I personally think a serious consideration in this case will support).

Certainly the default position of the worlds Governments has been to presume that UFO encounters by its military were encounters with advanced craft from other nations. Perhaps in some cases this may be so, but if you actually read the accounts of pilots and radar staff it is clear that these crafts (the UFO’s) possess technology far beyond any known civilisation on earth at the moment. It doesn’t make sense to imagine that Russia, China, Germany or Britain could possess such technology (and have done so for a considerable amount of time) and yet not also be using such advanced scientific knowledge in other areas of its nation in a way that would make it stand out entirely from the worlds nations.

A plausible alternative is that there exists survivors of earlier advanced civilisations who (for whatever reason) have chosen to remain mostly hidden from the world. Such people could be hiding out in bases within the earth, in inaccessible mountains, or in the depths of the ocean. This possibility cannot be discounted, and seems to me to the most plausible alternative to the extra- terrestrial and/or extra-dimensional origin.

The UFO and Alien phenomenon have been seen as quite challenging by many established religions. For example, orthodox Christianity sees the spiritual world in a dualistic way, in that there are simply only divine and demonic beings. Being raised in a conservative Christian family I was told that aliens were actually demons. Certainly, given the nature of some of the personal accounts one can understand this conclusion is not completely unreasonable.

Many years ago I read a book by Graham Hancock titled “Supernatural”11, which was largely about the use of psychoactive drugs in primitive cultures, and their possible role in bringing about evolution in the human psyche. He cited a work (I can’t recall the author) which argued that UFO and Alien phenomenon were a modern-day manifestation of the fairy lore. Whilst many of us have grown up hearing tales about fairies as merely benign and benevolent elemental spirits, there is much folklore that tells of them abducting and generally messing with people in a very similar way to current tales of Alien abductions.

Again, it is plausible that there is a common cause behind the two phenomenon. Having noted this, of course it should be noted that claims of alien (or fairy) abductions if considered in isolation could all be the result of fraud, mental illness or just considered as nothing more than myth.

However, given that there is tangible evidence for that UFO phenomenon are real, I am inclined to think they are at least worthy of consideration.

What do I think it all means?:

I have written before that I am seeking to differentiate between subjects of which I quite confident (like religion and general spirituality), and others in which I recognise that I simply cannot possibly know enough to reach definitive conclusions. Even in those topics like religion and spirituality where I have put in significant time and effort to compare competing views, there are still huge limitations to what I can possibly know as a single human being. It is more about being confident in which overall views and perspectives to support and which to reject (and why to reject them), then claiming to know everything relevant to these topics. Likewise, it is more about being confident about some very specific sub-topics (like the influence of the Egyptian cult of Osiris and the Greek Mystery religions on Christianity), rather than claiming to know everything about religion and spirituality as a whole.

So, having conceded the need to be cautious about reaching too strong a conclusion without being able to have enough knowledge to justify this confidence, what do I actually think? To start with, I think if ever there was a subject to be cautious about, this is it. Particularly, if ever there was a question to be cautious of, it is:

If Earth is being visited by Aliens, are they good or bad?

So, let’s break it down. Intelligently piloted craft with technology far beyond our own are deliberately making themselves known to the military of major nations. In particular, they seem to be particularly interested in all of our nuclear programs. If these beings piloting these craft were hostile towards any particular nation or towards humanity as a whole, it appears that they would have no trouble defeating or even completely destroying us.

So, it seems unlikely to me that these craft are a military risk to us. If anything, they appear to be peacekeepers, and do indeed appear to be trying to warn us of the great risk we pose to ourselves and to our environment as a whole (though some in the military have – I think falsely – interpreted it the other way round12). Nuclear weapons possess the possibility of not just killing large numbers of people in a single blast (I recall looking into this, and a typical nuclear armed ballistic missile could kill 10 million people in a heartbeat), but given enough of them, there is the capacity to induce nuclear winter, which would essentially destroy the Earth’s environment for all life (and we have come very close on multiple occasions, particularly during the Cold War13).

Never before has humanity had the potential to destroy itself. All our cleverness, all our scientific and technological advances, and we are now clever enough to do literarily the stupidest, most insane and most evil thing within our reach. We can kill not only one person, but essentially everyone and everything.

Everything about the UFO phenomena screams to us that common assumptions about the world are wrong. That is not to say that we abandon everything we think we know about the world and start from scratch. Rather, it simply means that our current understanding is only a fraction of what is truly out there. Our current theories are approximations that are good enough in some instances, but not in others. What we think to be true is only relatively so, not absolutely.

Everything about the UFO phenomena challenges the assumptions of a classical and materialistic worldview. These craft clearly have the capacity to mess with gravity, and it is only reasonable to conclude that they are messing with space and time. Likewise, if we accept that at least some of the Alien encounters are legitimate, then we also must conclude that these beings possess not just highly advanced scientific knowledge, but also capacities that we consider spiritual and/or paranormal.

I must say that it is not that there was never any evidence for these things before the modern UFO phenomena, or that there is not evidence for these things outside of the phenomenon as a whole.

If you are open to the consideration of these things, there is abundant evidence of the great weirdness of our world that can be found in many different fields.

Much of this evidence can be found within Physics, which is supposed to be the hardest of the hard sciences, and probably the most fundamental of all. Starting with special relativity, the idea that space and time are interrelated is already very weird. This in itself overturns the common assumption that time and space are simply the absolute markers of our three dimensional physical experience. The idea that the universe presents a speed limit (that of light), and as you try and approach it mass increases up to infinity is itself incredibly weird. That travelling at such speeds plays with the relative experience of time is even weirder. That anything travelling faster than light would technically be travelling back in time is even stranger still.

When it comes to quantum physics, all the classical materialistic assumptions all get thrown out the window. Matter is no longer solid, but made up almost entirely of empty space. What remains as something (other than space) itself is immaterial, it can disappear and reappear in a different location, and doesn’t need to pass through or around a barrier to go from one side to another (quantum tunnelling). Quantum particles display both particle and wave like natures, depending on how they are being studies (particle wave duality).

The full weirdness of this last phenomena (particle wave duality) isn’t often discussed, as its implications were extremely controversial for leading physicists in the early-mid 20th century, and it has become unpopular to discuss its implications in modern academia. Whilst many leading physicists in the early-mid 20th century took seriously the philosophical implications of particle- wave duality, materialistic assumptions proved to be a barrier to the subject. That is, the science naturally led towards a spiritual or idealist (idealism being the philosophic view that consciousness – rather than matter – is the substance of reality) worldview. In recent times more advanced experiments (see the quantum eraser and especially the delayed choice quantum eraser experiment14) have validated the radical implications of this phenomenon.

Quantum entanglement by itself is mighty weird, but even weirder still is the delayed choice entanglement swapping experiment15, which again shows the immaterial nature of matter and the relative nature of matter, space and time.

Back to the subject at hand, the UFO and Alien phenomenon clearly involves knowledge of such things that repeatedly shows us how little human beings currently understand about our place in the universe. Having recognised this, the possibility that Earth is actually being visited by beings from other planets and/or dimensions is not just reasonable, but highly likely. Whilst journalists, scientists, politicians and your friends and family like to scoff at these things as merely crazy talk, we truly need to take this seriously16.

Consider the implications of humanity coming into communication with beings from other planets and higher dimensions. Consider what this could mean for our future. If we think modern scientific advances have alleviated suffering for humanity, imagine what we could do with the level of scientific knowledge that these beings possess?

Human beings often think of ourselves as being at the pinnacle of a long line of human evolution and/or history. Whether it is our religious or political affiliation, our culture, race or gender or scientific worldview, people everywhere like to think of themselves as the superior ones, unlike the others. Tribalism of all sorts has been the norm throughout recorded history, and still exists today (even amongst those that claim to be against it17.

For humanity to see itself as a whole as simply a small part of a galactic or universal family would truly put our petty tribalism into its correct context. That is, our differences shouldn’t seek to divide us, but rather we should see ourselves/each other as all working together in cooperation, with complementary skills18.

I think this last point on cooperation rather than competition is a key one here. Whilst there is certainly room in life for healthy competition (sports, scientific development, business etc.) this whole hostile competition between nations is probably the most toxic and dangerous in human history. As human history is filled with wars between families, tribes and nations, human beings are often suspicious of others, and think they have to attack preemptively before their opponent attacks them. We also have the undeniable reality of human greed, that believes that it can have more by taking from or dominating others. Likewise, for ideological reasons sometimes leaders believe it is their duty to rule over others. We thus have a situation whereby nations devote massive budgets to their military, stockpiling doomsday weapons, both in fear of others, and at other times with the desire to spread their Empire.

For me, it seems that the UFO phenomenon clearly announces that this must end. That is, we cannot continue to stockpile weapons and devote our resources to military developments at the expense of peaceful scientific advances. Likewise, we cannot continue to lust after the resources of other nations and believe in the false idea that we will have more by conquering others. The opposite is true. How many times in history have the people of a nation suffered due to the lust of its leaders? Even when a nation succeeds in conquering another people, there is a cost to the Soul that is never worth it. How many people we see in the world today thriving materially, but being deprived of true, inner wealth and happiness19.

In my opinion, worldwide disclosure is needed to show people from all nations equally the insanity of our current trajectory. If Western nations were to dissolve their military’s overnight, it is highly likely that Communist China would invade in a heartbeat. Hence we have quite a lot of work to do before we can be ready to join a larger, cosmic family beyond this planet.

In this sense, human beings are still only just at the kindergarten level of cosmic evolution. Sure, we have come a long way from an animal existence; however we have a long, long way to go. These beings that are visiting us clearly have the capacity to help us in ways we cannot possibly even imagine. Perhaps we should listen to these warnings and find a way to work together.

So, the above being so, I can’t finish this without recognising the darker side of UFO and Alien phenomenon. It is certainly true that many of the stories told in this field present humans being harmed in various ways in (and after) the encounter. This brings up very difficult questions about the question of suffering and evil; the great enigma which human beings (and religion/spirituality in particular) struggles to answer.

We know in our human experience that there exists great extremes of the potential for suffering and joy, for bondage and freedom, for injustice and equity, for toiling and thriving and for hatred and love. Certainly human beings have shown this duality in the different ways we live, in the way we treat each other and in the civilisations we create. Clearly if higher (spiritual) beings exist (as I believe they do), then there is a degree of non-interference at the heart of a cosmic code. If a Supreme Being exists (as I believe), then It is not an interfering personal Deity, but something else.

An analogy I have been leaning towards is that when someone buys a computer game they would be disappointed if they mastered it in one night. Likewise, they would be highly disappointed if at the first sign of frustration at the difficulty they were handed all the cheat codes. It seems to me that help is given to us from above in more subtle ways that meet our immediate needs.

It is a valid question as to how far a civilisation can develop in a purely materialistic sense without a corresponding spiritual (or psychological and ethical if you prefer) development? That is, is there a limit to how far we can evolve outwardly without also evolving inwardly? I don’t pretend to know the answer to these questions.

It then should be asked whether perhaps there are many different races of beings from different planets and dimensions that are visiting Earth now? That is, perhaps they aren’t all on the same page morally and ethically? Perhaps there are some that want to work together and help us, whilst others are rogue civilisations that only care about their own interests and will happily interfere with us for their own gain? I do personally suspect the latter; that there is more than one group of beings coming here now, with more than one motivation.

We are however now entering into highly speculative territory. I will leave this conversation with the following opinion:

When entering any exploration beyond the normal confines of material experience, always do so with a pure heart and mind.

Of course, I also suggest living all areas of human life with a pure heart and mind. In the same way that you don’t want to go alone down a dark alley in a seedy part of a big city late at night, you don’t want to go messing with things of a supernatural nature without having the best intentions at heart. There are countless stories of people that have made this mistake and suffered greatly as a consequence.

I will leave this here for today. May our hearts and minds be open to truth, wherever it leads us. Peace.

2 I have long been saying that human beings are far too quick to express certainty on things they barely understand ( know-what-is-true/ ). We are also far too quick to proclaim some things to be absolutely true when they are only relatively true. Likewise, often our understanding of some facet of reality (or reality as a whole) is ultimately only an approximation, and thus gives us accurate enough results in some situations, but not in others.

3 See Aleister Crowley, Lam and the Zeta Grey Alien phenomena: mvpvyn/magickal-stories-lam.

4 There are tales that the Germans had been experimenting with flying disk designs during WW2, though this isn’t something I can find verify in any way. It seems however that the US did indeed build prototypes of a flying disk during the Cold War. (See a short clip from Joe Rogan about this), the BBC have covered this as well:

8 We should note that some may believe in supernatural and/or spiritual subjects but do not believe in a single Creative intelligence we call God (or insist upon defining it otherwise, despite having much in common with the general concept of God as seperate from specific sectarian definitions). Hence the term atheism can be misleading. Thus naturalism/materialism are more specific and accurate.


11 1932857842

12 war-3/ , start-world-war-iii-ex-us-air-force-officer-2915293

13 civilisation

14 15

16 Ex-Astronaut Edgar Mitchell claims to have personally witnessed UFO’s over a military base, and to have spoken personally to many people from military bases who verify these stories. Nevertheless, many in the media treat him as a sad, pathetic conspiracy theories: Edgar Mitchell from Apollo 14: came-to-earth-to-prevent-nuclear-war and says-aliens-prevented-nuclear-war-earth/ . I should note that there are many other high-profile people worldwide that have made similar claims: worldwide-ufo-cover-up-is-real-claims-former-canadian-defence-minister_n_7100202.html , prevented-nuclear-war

17 Re: The identity politics of the political far-left, which is increasingly becoming mainstream in Western society.

18 equal/

19 Just to be clear, I am not saying that material success is incompatible with inner wealth. Rather, I am just making a point about achieving material success at the expense of ones Soul.

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